Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Download APK file using a browser extension on pc

There are a couple of ways you can download a Google Play APK to your PC. You can use a Chrome extension or a website that will generate a specific download link for you - we've covered both methods for you below.
You can even download paid APKs if you have already purchased them on the Play Store, but take a look at the excerpt from Google Play's Terms & Conditions at the very bottom of this tutorial to see their take on the subject.

If you're likely to download lots of APKs, then getting yourself an extension for Chrome or Firefox is probably a good idea. For this tutorial, we're going to be using CodeKiem's APK Downloader extension version 2, which supports both Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Once you've added the extension to your desktop browser, you need to enter your email address, which will be stored in the Chrome extension associated with your Google Play account, and also your device ID for later requests.

To get your device ID, download an app called Device ID, which will bring up your Android ID when you open it. You should also use one of the e-mail addresses listed in Device ID – along with its associated password – to log into APK Downloader.

Once you've done this, go to the Play Store and find an app you want to download to your PC. You'll notice that next to the 'Install' or 'Buy' button, there is now a 'Download APK' option. Click it to download the app you want.

To install apk on your device after download on pc please follow this steps.

Copy apk file from pc to your phone storage

From your device Goto setting > Security

And disable Unknown Sources

Goto your device storage "file manager"

The tap on apk file from the file manager and install.

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